Although there isn’t much clouds to give a more vibrant sunset in the sky on this evening. The quietness and calm water still make it a very memorable moment!!
Vancouver based Photographer
Although there isn’t much clouds to give a more vibrant sunset in the sky on this evening. The quietness and calm water still make it a very memorable moment!!
Few night shots from a night camping out in the dark! Do you like camping? If so, What is the most fun part of camping to you? To me, these are the moments I love best!! 😀
A beautiful sunset by the lake near Merritt, BC.
Ever since my first time visited this waterfalls, I’ve been thinking it will be very cool to shoot it when there are snow covering it or maybe even under the starry night sky. Last year, I visited it in deep Winter and the waterfalls was completely frozen. So I made my trip this October and try again. The scene was lovely and refreshing. But it was quite a journey…
First, have to snowshoe on a rocky with light snow section uphill. And that put a lot of scratches on it… Distance wasn’t long at all, for just few hundred meters. But need be very careful with on each step trying not to destroy the fresh snow where I have to set my composition. And I have to say it wasn’t easy to find a composition out of this chaotic beauty. And not to mention that with a 14mm lens on my camera, I’ll have to stand right inside the water to frame the shot. I was pretty excited that I finally gave a try to this scene and was taking the shot that was in my head for a very long time. It was great until step in about half a feet of water and started feeling my boots is leaking from the back of my left foot… And decided to get out of the water and head back down. Also won’t be making any plan to come back at night. At least not the upper part of this waterfalls!
Another shot taken from the NEOWISE Comet chasing week back in August. Although it was still in August, the temperature was a little cold as it was in a higher elevation in the Canadian Rockies.
Continuous from yesterday post Twilight vs. Midnight. The sunset on the next day was very pretty, color filled up the entire sky and lasted for quite a long time as I was able to ran around and catch a few shots!
A cloudy night camping out near Merrit, BC. Hoping for the night to clear up after the sun went down. I was pretty happy when I saw the blue sky at twilight with just a little clouds in the sky.
But as the night turned darker, the night sky was covered with clouds and left just a small window to see the milky way. And this is what I’ve got on that same night.
Not a very satisfying results as there are still many lights from the campsite that night! I’ve been trying to find new location for a night photography workshop for next year that is closer to Lower Mainland of Vancouver. And this could be a fantastic location for a beginner to learn how to take photo of the night sky! Will you be interested in a workshop in BC?
It’s been a while since last post with some aerial photo. Let’s show some of the new one from my recent trip to Rockies. But no, these are not from the Rockies. They are from the Cariboo Regional District taken on my way back home. It was a magical day passing through many beautiful places covered with fresh snow.
Burnaby Mountain is one of the very first location I fly my drone back many years ago. And this video actually included few visits over the years. At different time and different seasons from foggy Spring to Winter covered in snow with views in different directions. Hope you enjoy!
Queen Elizabeth Park – the dome of Bloedel Conservatory
Queen Elizabeth Park is a 130-acre municipal park located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, on Little Mountain (British Columbia) (elevation approximately 152 meters or 500 feet above sea level). Its surface was scarred at the turn of the twentieth century when it was quarried for its rock, which served to build Vancouver’s first roadways.
And here’s is a higher view from above. Hope you enjoy!
Stay safe, everyone!!