Weather is getting colder as Winter is near. Temperature in Vancouver is dropping fast and looks like snow will be here very soon too! Before the snow gets here, these are some of the photos from my October trip to Alberta. It was cold, but great to see some scenery that I;ve been before. And this time was covered with snow!! Hope you enjoy!
Although there isn’t much clouds to give a more vibrant sunset in the sky on this evening. The quietness and calm water still make it a very memorable moment!!
A lovely morning at Upper Kananaskis Lake waiting for sunrise. After a long night shoot at the lower lake and then headed to the upper lake quietly waiting. It was a very peaceful morning!
Few more images from August. This place seems to becomes more and more popular over the few different times I visited. And it is great to have a gravel road that filter out some intensive tourist type visitors and mostly remains all outdoor enthusiastic that willing to take a few extra steps to get to it. You know where is it? 😀
A starry night on the Icefields Parkway chasing NEOWISE Comet back in July. It was a busy night to tried shoot the comet and milky way at the same time!
US Southwest, is a region of the western United States. the name that represent four of the states on the west side of United State including Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico. And some even includes Southern California, parts of Colorado and western Texas as well. But the definitions of the region have never been standardized.
Everything you see in this video was captured in a singe road trip a few years ago. I drove 12000 km round trip from Vancouver, Canada all by myself for 4 weeks. But I only got to Monument Valley in Arizona at the most. And only scratch the surface of the area. So there are a lot of more spectacular locations that I don’t know about at the time… Guess it will never be enough research before and never enough time to explore this magnificence area that shown us “TIME”. To realized how small we really are as a human being.
I was planning to have another road trip this April down to Utah again. Of course it is now cancelled because of the outbreak happening right now… Well… I am trying to keep doing some post-production with all the footage I shot over the years to stay positive. Lucky I still got a lot of hard drive to go through! Hope to keep the posting going!! 😉
New time lapse video of the night skies in Canadian Rockies. This was captured over many trips in the past 4 years!! Do you want to capture some dark night photography like what you see in this video? I am running my 2nd year of night photography workshop in the Canadian Rockies with a Non-Profit organization Real Ideas Studio. Check out the link below:…/
A new time lapse video of the….. Once again, Canadian Rockies! 😀 And this time with this subject that isn’t the most common when capturing time lapse. And I am using a different genre instead of my usual downtempo music. Just a different take and give it a shot. Leave me a commend and let me know what you think!!