From Gentle to Violence

Taken from 3 different locations from the same trip travel to Alberta back in August. From a gentle stream to a violence river that flowing down to a waterfall. They are fun and some times challenging to photography. How do you like them?

Frozen Chaos

Ever since my first time visited this waterfalls, I’ve been thinking it will be very cool to shoot it when there are snow covering it or maybe even under the starry night sky. Last year, I visited it in deep Winter and the waterfalls was completely frozen. So I made my trip this October and try again. The scene was lovely and refreshing. But it was quite a journey…

First, have to snowshoe on a rocky with light snow section uphill. And that put a lot of scratches on it… Distance wasn’t long at all, for just few hundred meters. But need be very careful with on each step trying not to destroy the fresh snow where I have to set my composition. And I have to say it wasn’t easy to find a composition out of this chaotic beauty. And not to mention that with a 14mm lens on my camera, I’ll have to stand right inside the water to frame the shot. I was pretty excited that I finally gave a try to this scene and was taking the shot that was in my head for a very long time. It was great until step in about half a feet of water and started feeling my boots is leaking from the back of my left foot… And decided to get out of the water and head back down. Also won’t be making any plan to come back at night. At least not the upper part of this waterfalls!

Hooked on Water

Few more images from August. This place seems to becomes more and more popular over the few different times I visited. And it is great to have a gravel road that filter out some intensive tourist type visitors and mostly remains all outdoor enthusiastic that willing to take a few extra steps to get to it. You know where is it? 😀

If you like to learn how to capture photo of waterscapes, check out my 2021 Landscapes / Waterscapes Photography Workshop! Or contact me for more details!

Mistaya Canyon

As mentioned I’ve been holding back on some of my photos and waiting for the website updates finished. So here are a few shots taken from Mistaya Canyon in Banff National Park along the Icefields Parkway back in Auguest 2020, it is about 5-10 minutes drive from the David Thompson Highway. A popular hike to see this powerful nature wonder where the glacier water aggressively running down the narrow small canyon. And would be a great place to have a few snacks and enjoy the view!!

I will be running a workshop in the Canadian Rockies next August on Landscapes and Waterscapes Photography. It is a workshop suitable for beginner to learn how to take photos of water like what you see here! If you are interested in a workshop like this, check out the link at below:

2021 Landscape / Waterscape photography workshop

2021 Photography Workshop

Will be running 2 workshops in the Canadian Rockies in August 2021 with Real Ideas Studio back to back. First one from August 1 – 4 is Waterscapes Photography in Jasper National Park where we will be exploring some beautiful waterfalls and learn how to take photo of them at different time of the day. And the 2nd workshop from August 5 – 8 is Nightscapes Photography in Banff National Park. And learn how to take photo of the dark night sky!

You can also take both workshop at a discount price!! If you are interested, please use the links below to check out the details.

Website Updates

It have been a very very long time since last posted and it wasn’t because I haven’t been shooting much. I was just waiting for my new website get done and it is finally completed. Of course one of the big change is the photo galleries are now displaying with larger size and better quality so people can have a better viewing experience. Also everything you see there are now all available for prints!

On top of that, I added a few more categories under it. Waterscapes and Panorama were building up over time and now are finally have enough that can have their own page.

One more added was Road. Over the year, road trip has always been my main way of travel. And shooting the road is something I love doing. But it the past, I only posted a hand full of photos that are shooting the road. But I think it deserve it’s own page too!

Leave a comment and let me know of what you think!! 🙂

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